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To paste a screen shot of another application, run the application, press ALT+PrtScrn, then SHIFT+INS in EasyWebEditor. Templates? "File" then "New from..." or "Edit" then "Paste page from...".
EasyWebEditor is a professional easy-to-use visual tool for quickly and efficiently creating
Internet pages and sites. Main features:
fully visual, no coding
can manage a whole site as a single file (you don’t need to continuously load and save pages, as you act on a whole document, even for searches and revisions)
simultaneous browsing and editing (you can browse links with a double click)
visual linking, with active previews, even when you show separate windows and/or insert complex frame-to-frame links
internal Internet publishing (FTP), with automatic detection of modified pages; HTML fully compatible with all browsers (no different pages for Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, etc.).
hundreds of functions: frames with drag & drop, mouse over sensible images, header and footers, styles, advanced frameset management, slides, keywords, internal album, forms and much more...
main functions very similar to standard Word Processors ones, reduced learning time
advanced functions available for experts: you can insert HTML and so on...
fast and smart, can run on a very old PC; ok for all MS Windows: 95 osr2, 98, Me, NT, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, 2008, 7, 8; and also Mac/Linux with the free Wine;
EasyWebEditor is designed to save you time and effort in creating, maintaining and publishing your Web site.
Other great VisualVision software:
EasyWebEditor, the productive web site builder software, is available also in other languages: