Quick start
Creating an ebook with EBooksWriter is really a snap!
Let’s insert some text:
Let’s use the bottom center box page number cell to create new pages:
Let’s select text blocks...
...then insert links between pages using “Insert >Links” or “Insert >Special Links” (where you have a preview of all existing ebook pages):
Let’s save the file, with “File >Save” (it saves all pages and images in one “AEH” file)...
...then, with “File >Save SFX ebook”, let’s create our ebook as an .exe file.
That’s all. It’s really a snap!!!
Then you can distribute (without royalties) your .exe Self-Extracting ebook (see Frequent Questions for distribution questions, or ask us).
So, what are you waiting for? Click below and order EBooksWriter now!
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EBooksWriter is a VisualVision product.
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